Do Hard Things.
The title says it all: do hard things.
Right now, it’s really cold out—well, by Houston standards. As a city that never gets cold, we’re not built for snow or ice, and I’ve been stuck at home. This gave me time to reflect, and I realized a mistake I’ve been making: I’ve been taking small risks and living life just to avoid losing.
This reminded me of something Graham Weaver said: “Do hard things.” It hit me right at home—I’ve been doing this all wrong. For years, I followed this mindset, but somehow along the way, I forgot this lesson.
So here I am, ready to share about why you should do hard things and how to live the life you want.
Do hard things.
Life is hard. Like, really hard. It’s so much easier to stick to the things we’re comfortable with. After all, no one naturally enjoys being uncomfortable. There’s a catch: growth doesn’t happen in your comfort zone. Everything you want is hard at first.
This principle—that things worth doing are hard at first—creates a fear that holds us back from doing what we need to do. Want a new job? Fear of leaving the comfort zone. Thinking about starting a business? Risk is overwhelming. Learning a new skill? It’s easier to scroll TikTok than face a challenge. There’s always a little bit of fear lurking right before we get started.
That’s why you need to do hard things. Each time you step out of your comfort zone, it gets a little easier. The more you do, the better you get—this applies to hard things, too.
So, do hard things.
Do your thing.
It’s easy to do things that seem like the right choice. Ask yourself, is it what you're passionate about? Do you care? We all have something we deeply care about. For me, it’s building products. For some of my friends, it’s simply solving problems. Whatever it may be, ask yourself: am I doing my thing?
It’s easy to get swept up in the race, choosing what feels safe. If it isn’t for you it won’t last. You can float for a while, but eventually, it catches up with you. On the other hand, if you’re doing something you care about, you move at lightning speed with endless energy.
So, do your thing.
Do it for decades.
Everyone knows the path: stick with something long enough, and you’ll become great. Experience is king. If you’re doing your thing, do it for decades. Greatness won’t happen over night. But when you’re doing something you’re passionate about and stay committed for the long haul, no obstacle can stand in your way.
So, do your thing—and do it for decades.
Write your story.
When I was founding my second company, we called it analysis paralysis. The “how” is always the scariest part. “How will we do this?” The truth is: you already know how. That’s why we ask for other people’s opinions—we’re not looking for answers; we’re looking for reassurance, not for someone to say no.
Stop asking how. You already know how. Instead, focus on the goal. Start at the end and write your story. Be the author of your life. Pick a spot—your destination—and then focus on writing the story to get there. Follow the story, step by step, and you’ll reach the end before you realize it.
So, write your story.
Now is the time.
There’s something you want to do, but fear is holding you back. You’re putting it off. Don’t underestimate yourself—you are more capable than you think. You are special, and you can create any life you want.
Life is suffering, so choose something worth suffering for.
“Win or lose, what matters is giving everything you’ve got.” - Stanford Graduation Commencement 2023
P.S. if the opportunity arises, attend a Stanford commencement. It changed my life.