Don’t Forget You Can Start Late

~ 2 min read

A common sentiment I encounter is the belief that it's too late to get started. People think everything has already been done, they’re too old, or they've missed their chance for various reasons.

Here's my reminder: it’s never too late to start.

I understand the hesitation to start late. It can feel like being at a disadvantage compared to those who've already begun their marathon. From a young age, we're taught the negative consequences of not being on time: being marked tardy at school, reprimanded at work, or simply feeling out of control.

This mindset, while understandable, isn't necessarily conducive to success. Each moment of hesitation is a moment lost, potentially missing out on opportunities.

Consider this: if you start late and fail, at least you tried. If you start late and succeed, then you've seized an opportunity. But if you never start, you'll always wonder what might have been.

I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.
- Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon

Remember, it's not about when you start; it's about making sure you do. Consistency and dedication are key—they triumph over all. The true cost lies in not trying, in the life you could have lived. Always remember: don’t forget you can start late.

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